Saturday Homily:  Twenty Eight Week in Ordinary Time. Year I (Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary).


Saturday Homily:  Twenty Eight Week in Ordinary Time. Year I (Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary).

By: Rev Fr Oselumhense Anetor (Uromi Diocese)

Theme: Faith and righteousness!
Rom.4:13,16-18; Luke 12:8-12

Without faith in God, the striving towards holiness of life is pointless. Take Bob for instance. He simply saw no reason to watch his lifestyle. God and Church were not vocabularies he could roll with. He was handsome, rich and famous. So he opted for the ‘good life’ – buying expensive cars, dwelling in sexual immorality, and oppressing the poor. Not until that accident left him with an injured spine did he realize there is indeed a God.

Also Recommended: Saturday Homily:  Twenty Eight Week in Ordinary Time. Year I (Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary).

Friends, when we live lives of faith, the Holy Spirit takes over, and we become emboldened to proclaim Jesus Christ through our words and deeds. But when we sin and refuse to acknowledge our mistakes, or simply presume God’s forgiveness without truly repenting, we blaspheme against the Holy Spirit. And as Pope St. John Paul II explains in his 1986 encyclical “Dominum et Vivificantem”: “‘Blasphemy’ does not properly consist in offending against the Holy Spirit in words; it consists rather in the refusal to accept the salvation which God offers to man through the Holy Spirit, working through the power of the cross” (No. 46).


Lord, I come to you unworthy as I am. I acknowledge that I’ve greatly sinned. I am deeply sorry for my sins. Please grant me the grace to turn from my evil ways, that the salvation you won for me on the cross may truly be mine, Amen.

Good morning dear. God bless your weekend.



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