BY: Fr. Cyril Unachukwu CCE
Our Christian Faith professes the uniqueness of God as One in three Divine Persons and of the three divine Persons in One God. This unique Profession of Faith in God is one of the central distinguishing marks of all we do and say as Christians. This Profession of Faith not only unveil to us the Mystery of God, but also brings us to recognise our true identity as sons and daughters of God and to live in imitation of the style of life of the God who created us in His image and likeness so as to live it in full in the world to come. May we continue to blossom in the glory of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; Amen.
Today, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity; the very source of everything we do and believe as Christians. The whole Story of Humanity is a gradual unfolding of the Mystery of God and of the mystery of Creation and of God’s relationship with His Creatures. This Mysterious Story is at once magnificent, fascinating and never totally comprehensible to the human mind. Within this Story, God has gradually and steadily revealed the mystery of His Being and Existence to His Creatures, leading the whole of humanity to come to know the will of the Father, enabling them by the power of the Holy Spirit to understand that which He reveals, especially the climax of this Divine Act of Revelation in the Incarnation, Life and Mission of His only Begotten Son Jesus Christ. That God is absolutely One but existing in three Divine Persons is the Highpoint of our Faith. And that the three Divine Persons are collectively and uniquely active in the History of Salvation is made manifest in our being created in the Image and Likeness of God and in the fact of God’s patient and merciful journey of love with the whole of humanity onto Salvation. The Readings of today briefly and summarily outlined the sequence of this Journey of God with men and women. In the First Reading, the great Prophet Moses reminded the Chosen People of God about God’s unique love for them and of His abiding presence in their Story (Deut 4:32-34, 39-40) “from the time God created man on earth… Has any god ventured to take to Himself one nation from the midst of another by ordeals, signs, wonders, war with mighty hand and outstretched arm, by fearsome terrors… Understand this today, therefore, and take it to heart: the Lord is God indeed, in heaven above as on earth beneath, he and no other. Keep his laws and commandments as I give them to you today, so that you and your children may prosper and live long in the land that the Lord your God gives you forever.” We all belong to this chosen people and it is always the One God at work in our midst in the Father and the Son and the Holy. He loves us and He walks with us.
Christ made the love of the Father for us most palpable and concrete and by the power of the Holy Spirit; He leads us to experience this love in our lives through perceptible signs. Through these perceptible signs (the Sacraments), especially in the Sacrament of Baptism, we are not only re-generated and re-dignified, but we are also led into the mystery of God. Entering into the mystery of God is the only key to unlocking the mystery of the human person. The Son of God made Man concluded His earthly Mission by bequeathing to the Church the power and the very means to lead all men and women into the Mystery of God; into the very Mystery of the Trinity. This we read in the Gospel of today (Matthew 28:16-20); “He said, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, make disciples of all the nations; baptise them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all the commands I gave you.” We were created by the three Divine Persons in One God and in their Name, we are brought back to our Original State of Grace which was lost by our first parents Adam and Eve by means of the Original Sin. Re-positioned by God, we begin to transcend the imprisonment of the lower man or woman to the liberty and freedom of the spirit; the freedom of the children of God. In this spiritual realm, “the Spirit himself and our spirit bear united witness that we are children of God. And if we are children we are heirs as well: heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, sharing his sufferings so as to share his glory” (Romans 8:14-17). We can only share in this glory by living the Style of Life of the Triune God who created and saves us. The Style of Life of love for another, of cooperation with one another in doing good, of co-habitation or co-existence with one another in justice and peace and of healthily sharing with one another the common patrimony we received from our common Creator. Only the Trinitarian Style of Life can lead to integral human progress and development; and to world peace and the positive transformation and growth of our families and communities. When we live the Trinitarian Style of Life, we live our true identity and rediscover our truest selves.
God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, You are the fount of life, the alpha and omega of everything good and the Mystery that makes comprehensible every other mystery. May we behold You in the poverty of our minds, contemplate You in the limitations of our heart, possess You in the humility of our souls, always connected to You with the attentiveness of our spirits, and make you known with our Style of life; Amen.
Happy Trinity Sunday