Homily for the 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year B

Homily: In the Mark Gospel narrative (Mk 13:24-32), Jesus began with apocalyptic writing that the sun ☀ will be darken, the moon ???? will not shine, the star ???? will fall and nature will be upset. Reading this pictorial words of Jesus Christ about the Second Coming is neither a map for eternity nor a time table for future, but simple use of language and pictures known to the Jewish culture and religion for centuries to inform us that our liberation is at hand.

After the darkest of the night comes the new dawn. Also after the woman’s labour comes the birth of a new life. Therefore, no situation is bad in the life of the church, of the world, of a nation, of a community, in our families and of individuals that it does not contain signs of hope. Jesus’ announces happiness and salvation for all.

Fear has never convinced any body to follow the way that leads to life. Let us not panic but do amendments in our relationship with God. As you remained docile to God’s word, may His angels be on your guard. Happy Sunday of 33rd Week in the ordinary time of the year B.

-Fr Emmanuel Nwokeji


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