Homily for Monday of the 25th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle II (2)

Homily for Monday of the 25th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle II

Theme: Follow Me

By: Fr. Francis Onwunali


Homily for Monday September 21 2020


No one was more shunned by the Jews than a publican, a tax collector, who was a Jew working for the Roman enemy by robbing his own people and making a large personal profit. Publicans were not allowed to trade, eat, or even pray with other Jews. The feast of one of such is what we celebrate today, St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist. His original name “Levi” in Hebrew signifies “Adhesion” while his new name in Christ, “Matthew”, means “Gift of God”.

In the gospel (Matt. 9: 9-13), the two words that Jesus spoke to Matthew, “follow me”, were enough to change Matthew from self-serving profiteer to a God-serving apostle who will bring the treasures of the Kingdom of God to the poor and needy. God does not choose the qualified, rather God qualifies those He has chosen and equips them for the service of the Gospel.

In the first reading (Eph. 4: 1-7, 11-13), St. Paul speaks about different ministries in the Church- apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. The purpose of all these ministries is the edification of the Church, the Body of Christ. St. Paul evokes one of the four marks of the Church (One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic )- “oneness” as the key to understanding the Church. The Church has to be one in union with the Holy Spirit, having one body and one Spirit, professing one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God Who works in all and through all. No one who runs outside the track can win the race.

Dear friends, we are all called into the one body of Christ that has many parts. Each is to exercise his or her role to build up the Church. Jesus calls us as we are, however, our encounter with Him transforms us into who He wants us to be- His followers.

I pray as we journey in life today, we, like Matthew, will leave our old ways and embrace the way of the Gospel, the way of truth, love, justice and mercy. Unlike the Pharisees, may we welcome others into the fold and help them to encounter the transforming power of Christ, our chief Cornerstone.

Have a divine encounter-full day!

-Fr. Francis Onwunali

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