HOMILY: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Yr A.

HOMILY: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Yr A.

Homily theme: But where are the guests?

 By: Fr. Justus Oruma

(a) The great feast which God prepares for His beloved ones shows His magnanimity and generosity; the fatest cows have been slaughtered, the table is filled, the wines are the best, everything is ready. But where are the guests?

(b) The invited guests began to give excuses, the one, I have a farm to cultivate, the other, I just married, another, I have many commitments, please hold me excuse. Like that they miss the banquet, which is the joy in the Lord and the true happiness of the soul symbolized with rich table and sweet wines, where, as Isaiah writes, the tears of the people will be wiped out. But the guests are not interested. The worldly minded are fond of this, “rejecting God’s invitations”

ALSO RECOMMENDED: HOMILY: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Yr A.

(c) Jesus still asks today, “where are the guests?” The greatest table prepared for us today is the Altar of the Lord where not again the cows are slaughtered but the Lamb of God. Jesus Christ Himself is slaughtered, broken and set for us to eat and His blood to drink. We eat God here through the sacraments. “Blessed are those called to table of the Lamb” But where are the guests? Where the invited? It God inviting us and not any human being. Are the people still interested in the sacraments, in going for Masses and other spiritual exercises? What would be your excuse? No time, your job, your engagements, your friends, your sins or you don’t have good cloths for the feast?



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