Thursday homily for the 20th week in Ordinary Time Cycle I (1)

Thursday homily for the 20th week in Ordinary Time Cycle I

Theme: THE PARABLE OF THE WEDDING FEAST….. “I have prepared a banquet, slaughtered my fattened calves and other animals, and now everything is ready; come then, to the wedding feast”

By: Fr. David AMADO i Fernández
(Barcelona, Spain)


Homily for Thursday August 19 2021

Today, the evangelic parable speaks of the banquet of the Kingdom. It is a recurrent example in Jesus’ preaching. It has to do with that wedding feast that will happen at the end of time and that will be the union of Jesus with his Church. She is Christ’s spouse that walks in our world but which will finally espouse his Beloved forever and ever. God Father has prepared that feast and He wants all men to be present. This is why He says to all of us «come to the wedding feast!» (Mt 22:4).

Notwithstanding, the parable has a tragic development, as many «paid no attention and went away, some to their fields, and others to their work…» (Mt 22:5). This is why, every day, God’s mercy is, more often, addressed to the most distant persons. This is like the groom going to get married and invites his family and friends. But they do not wish to go; in view of what he decides to call his acquaintances and co-workers, but they come out with excuses; so finally, he calls the first persons he meets, because he has prepared a banquet and he wants to have guests at his table. Something very similar happens with God.

But the different characters appearing in the parable may also be images of the different states of our soul. Thanks to the grace of baptism we are God’s friends and inheritors along with Christ: we have a place reserved for us in this banquet. If, however, we forget our condition of sons, God proceeds to treat us as acquaintances while maintaining his invitation. If we let the grace within us to die, then we become people found in any crossroad, just passers-by without a penny in matters of the Kingdom. Yet, God keeps on calling us.

His call may reach us any time. It is by personal invitation. Nobody has any right to be there. It is God who finds us and tells us: «Come to the wedding!». And we have to receive this invitation with words and facts. This is why that guest who was not properly dressed is thrown out: «Friend, how did you get in without the wedding garment?» (Mt 22:12).

Fr. David AMADO i Fernández
(Barcelona, Spain)

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