Short homily for Tuesday of the 26th week in Ordinary Time Cycle I
Theme: Not by force!
By: Rev. Fr. Kevin Oselumhense Anetor (Uromi Diocese)
Homily for Tuesday September 28 2021
Zech. 8:20-23; Luke 9:51-56
God is understanding and merciful. That is why Jesus rebuked some of his disciples when they wished to call down fire on the samaritans for refusing them passage through their town in vv. 52b-53. This is the only place where the Gospels mention Samaritans negatively. Luke speaks favourably of Samaritans in the parable of the Good Samaritan (10:25-37)—in Jesus’ later relationship with a Samaritan leper (17:16)—in his ministry to a Samaritan woman (John 4)—and in his inclusion of Samaria in his charge to his disciples (Acts 1:8).
Jesus understood that it would take time for the bad blood between Jews and Samaritans to abate. He showed good example by choosing to go through another village instead. Friends, Jesus was determined to get to Jerusalem. He had already made up his mind to accept his fate, which is, death on the cross. But he wasn’t going to destroy others in order to get his way. Where do we get the impression that people must accept us or die by fire? This is not God’s way. Sometimes, God places obstacles in our way to see how much we understand the language of love. If we can’t be compassionate as Christians, we cannot be worthy of heaven.
Good morning dear friends, God bless your day ahead!