Homily for Tuesday of the 4th Week of Easter (1)

Homily for Tuesday of the 4th Week of Easter Year A

Theme: Jesus, the Mediator par excellence

By: Fr. Benny Tuazon


Homily for Tuesday

(Jn. 10:22-30) Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Easter

In today’s Gospel Jesus cries out His relation with the Father and their mission. Jesus is The Mediator par excellence. In Him, we have come to hear, see, and feel the Father’s love. It follows that believing in Him means believing in the One who sent Him.

We have a lot of questions in life. Experience tells that nothing and no one in this world have the answer to everything. Life is full of mysteries. Life is bigger than anyone of us. No amount of riches and power can fully control life and it’s questions. Only Jesus can. His words have ample responses to the mystery of life.

Locally, we are best warned by this in the midst of the election campaign. Promises are made. Candidates say what we want to hear. Some speak as if they had found the key to running our government. They portray themselves as super heroes or saviors. It will be a mistake to believe them. It would be best for them to adapt a stance of humility and include the power of God in their government in case they win.

God did not mean to leave us alone in this world. While He had given us a lot, we were meant to work and live with God. That was why at a certain point in our history, when we were in need of Gods’ presence, God decided to take things “personally” by sending His only Son to become like us, live with us, die for us, resurrect for us and redeem us. He also left His words and actions to a group of formed and faithful men called apostles in order to see to it that the deposits of faith is lived and transmitted from generations to generations.

Thanks be to God for Jesus, the answer to everything we need and seek.



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