Homily for Thursday of the 29th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle II
Theme: BE ON FIRE WITH JESUS….” I have come to bring fire upon the earth”
By: EDITORIAL TEAM evangeli.net (based on texts by Benedict XVI)
Homily for Thursday October 22 2020
Today, we remember that our being in this world is not to live out of nothing and toward nothing, but our life has been required from the outset by an infinite love: all this can be noticed in Jesus Christ’s “chariot of fire”. We discover His joy when we let ourselves be burnt by the message of the Lord.
The answer to God’s call requires that we have the courage of being near the fire that has come to set the Earth on fire. In our “Yes” to this adherence the courage of being kindled by the fire of Jesus Christ’s Passion, which is, at the same time, the saving fire of the Holy Spirit is also included. This is the core of the call: that we must be prepared to be kindled by He whose heart burns by the strength of his Word.
—Divine spirit; kindle in me the fire of your love so that I can also be fire on this earth, the fire of life, of hope and of love.
EDITORIAL TEAM evangeli.net (based on texts by Benedict XVI)
(Città del Vaticano, Vatican)