BY: Fr. Karabari Paul




‘This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.’

There are waves of change across the world today. And the story of the Transfiguration (Luke 9:28-36) is about preparing and helping the disciples live through the coming change; the scandal of the cross and a profound sense of hopelessness. This transfiguration story has something to teach and show us about how to live in the midst of change. Change, whether on the mountain top of life or in the valley of the shadow of death is a reality for all of us.

One of the things that happen in the midst of change is that many voices begin to speak. Some are outside of us and some are from within. There are voices of judgment, voices of second guessing, voices of fear. There are voices of self-doubt, and self-criticism. Some voices tell us to run and hide, and others tell us to fight and resist or to give up. Some voices ask questions and want explanations. Other voices deny what is happening, blame, or declare it to be the end of the world.

So many voices cry out for attention. Not every voice, however, is helpful or worth listening to. Some voices may sound sweet but they are not good for us. The story of the transfiguration says there is only one voice to listen to. The voice of God speaks from the bright cloud overshadowing Peter, James, and, John, “This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him.”

What if in the midst of change we sought to hear and listen to that one voice, the voice of Christ? What if we kept our ears open to what he is saying in our life and world today? To let ourselves become aware of and attentive to what he is saying and doing, to let his concerns and desires become our concerns and desires, to let his way of engaging life and the world become our way of engaging life and the world.

It would mean that whatever change comes upon us it does not have the final word. There is another voice. Jesus is always speaking a word larger and more powerful than all the other voices. In the midst of change, Jesus speaks a word of life, a word of hope, a word of forgiveness, a word of mercy, a word of beauty, a word of generosity, a word of courage, a word of love, a word of healing. Jesus speaks a word to and for you and me. Are we listening to that word, to his voice?

Change can cause us to stumble and fall, paralyze us, or left us overwhelmed. It is about stepping into new life when we are not sure what that looks like or if there really is a new life awaiting us. The voice of Jesus revives us. We must listen to him. GOD IS STILL ON THE THRONE. May God have mercy on us, heal our world, bless and protect us all through Christ Our Lord Amen. Good morning

Fr. Karabari Paul

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