Homily for Saturday of the 9th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle II (1)

Homily for Saturday of the 9th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle II

Theme: Widow’s mite

By: Fr. Benny Tuazon


Homily for Saturday June 6 2020

(Mk.12:38-44) June 6, 2020, Saturday of the Ninth Week in Ordinary Time

In today’s Gospel Jesus pointed out to His listeners what the poor widow and the rich man had done in the temple. Many people were present and giving their donations. The rich gave their share. The poor widow, in spite of her poverty, gave ALL she had! The scene did not escape Jesus’ eyes. Jesus told His listeners that the poor widow gave MORE than the rich people.

No doubt the rich people have more in quantity. But, for Jesus, what comes from the heart and mind are the most important. Pure intentions, sincerity, humility, and generosity count high more than material riches. For the JESUS, the poor widow had more of the above given that she gave out of her poverty and not surplus. She had all reasons not to give anymore.

But she had so much faith and love that even her remaining material possessions may go.
Jesus saw to it that everyone may give or can witness to their generosity. If generosity is material, only the rich can donate. Since generosity comes from the heart, it can be exercised by everyone. It is a matter of how much one can give than what can be given. We can give time and share talents aside from riches. The poor widow only had her coins. For her, those coins signify more than their true value. They are the fullness of the widow’s heart. She gave them away not minding her welfare for she knows God will take care of her.

When we give, let us not be worried about what we will be losing. Rather, we think about how our donation can help others.

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