Homily for Saturday of the 12th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle II
Theme: The Faith of the Centurion
By: Fr. Benny Tuazon
Homily for Saturday June 27 2020
(Mt. 8:5-17) Saturday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time
In today’s Gospel we have the healing of the centurion’s servant, the mother-in-law of Peter, and many who were possessed by the devil. The centurion revealed the healing power of Jesus, the Word of God made flesh. Jesus was amazed at the faith of the centurion who, himself, led through his words.
Words may be composed of letters forming a certain accepted arrangement and providing meaning, and when spoken, produce sounds which create ideas on the listener as intended by the speaker. Their meanings enlighten, inspire, drive, fascinate, excite, etc. But Jesus’ Word is more. as the Word of God, Jesus heals the body and the soul, motivates the human spirit, forgives, comforts, reveals, etc.
We knew that from the very beginning in Genesis. God speaks and it happens. His word is accompanied by action. The perfect manifestation of His Word is in Jesus Christ. He sent Word, His Son, to proclaim the Good News of salvation, preached contrition and forgiveness, and taught everyone how to enter the Kingdom.
Faith in the Word was shown by the centurion. Jesus was amazed at His faith. He even proclaimed that He had not encountered such a faith. That is how we must welcome the Word of God, Jesus. When we are told to go, let us go. When we are asked to come to God, we run to Him with alacrity. And when we are commanded to do things, let us do them like our lives depend on them.