Homily for Monday of the 1st Week of Advent (2)

Homily for Monday of the 1st Week of Advent

Theme: Have a Little Faith
Caesarea Philippi

By: Rev. Bill Frere


Homily for Monday November 29 2021

Gospel – Matthew 8:5-11
Way back when I was little, I remember our family went to the movies. It was my first horror movie and it did not go well. Every few minutes I kept asking to go to the bathroom. My Dad finally caught on and he ended up having me sit next to him. And until the movie ended, every time a scary part came on screen, he would take his hat and cover my eyes. Yes, my Dad never went anywhere without his hat.

Was I embarrassed? Teased or singled out for my fear? Not in the least! In fact, what I felt was safe; I felt a tremendous sense of faith! My Dad was looking out for me. He didn’t berate me or tell me to ‘man’ up. I felt protected and covered, not only by his hat, but by his love!

That is what I see in today’s Gospel. The Roman centurion had FAITH! He trusted that Jesus would look out for him, protect him and his family, even his servants! He knew all he needed to hear was Jesus’ words of healing and that would be enough!

Whether it’s a simple word of care or a kind gesture, do we see our Father at work in our lives? Do we trust our Father to look out for us and protect us, comfort us in times of need? As we begin this Season of Advent, may God our Father grant us the courage, the humility and the faith of this centurion!

Rev. Bill Frere

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