Homily Theme: The Living Water
By: Fr. Benny Tuazon
(Jn. 4:5-42) Third Sunday of Lent
In today’s Gospel we have the meeting between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well. There are actually a lot of nuances in this Gospel by John but let us zero in on the message which is contained in the exchange between the two. Jesus began by asking the woman to give Him a drink. The woman was tentative because Jesus was a Jew. Jesus told the woman that if she knew Him, she would be the one asking for water to drink. Jesus revealed Himself to the woman. Jesus presented Himself as the living water, “ Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again; but whoever drinks the water I shall give will never thirst; the water I shall give will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” Thus, the woman asked for that DRINK.
Jesus has used many images of Himself like shepherd, vine, bread, etc. This time, He used one which was close to the heart of people – water. It is a vital element of life. Jesus, as the living water is saying that He is life. He differs from plain water which lasts. He does not. Anyone who has Jesus in himself has acquired eternal life. Jesus sustains His disciples through eternal life. Jesus is who we need to satisfy our unquenchable thirst. Jesus is our ENOUGH.
What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but does not have Jesus in him? Nothing. At most, he will only have them in his lifetime. Jesus brings us farther, beyond death, unto eternal life. It is the very basis of belonging to this faith. it was the reason why many followed Jesus. It is the satisfaction human life aches FOR.
This commitment and regard to Jesus as our enough come only from faith. It happened during His life and ministry. He came teaching which left people in awe on how well He knew life. His teachings responded to the many concerns of the people of His time and for all time. He coupled this with a lot of spectacular never done before miracles not just to marvel them but to show His power and authority. He came not just to minister for a time but to save and provide it once and for ALL.
This Gospel reading comes at the best time during this season of Lent. After almost three weeks into Lent, our praying, fasting, and giving may have exhausted us and left us wanting and weak. We are reminded that alone, we can not do everything. Jesus will be there to fill us up again, in the Eucharist, in adoration, confessions, and devotions. He is there during our visits to the sick, giving alms to the poor, being charitable to others through patience, understanding, and forgiveness. We have to believe that Jesus never left us. The devil will tell us to rest or stop. We must not. If we have Jesus, we have an eternal wellspring in US.