Weekday homily for Monday of the 6th week in Ordinary Time Cycle I (2)

Weekday homily for Monday of the 6th week in Ordinary Time Cycle I

Theme: Being masters or in control of our passions and desires

By: Fr. Francis Onwnali


Homily for Monday February 15 2021

On this first working day of the week, the Church presents to us in our Liturgy the message of being masters or in control of our passions and desires.

In the first reading (Gen 4: 1-15, 25), we encounter the degeneration of human nature from the sin of disobedience (Adam and Eve) to the sin of fraticide- killing of a brother (Cain against Abel). This occurred because of selfishness and jealousy. Cain selfishly could not offer befitting offering to God, and since God rejected his offering, out of jealousy he killed his brother, Abel, whose offering was accepted by God. When we allow our passion and desires to take control of us as in the case of Cain, the consequences are often enormously disastrous but we can overcome. Hence the Lord God said: “if you are not doing right, sin is a demon lurking at the door; his urge toward you, yet you can be his master” (4: 7).

In the gospel (Mark 8: 11-23), Jesus refuses to do any wonderous deed because the religious leaders who came demanding for a sign were not doing so in order to be drawn to Him, but to satisfy their selfish desires, setting a trap and hoping to proof Him wrong.

Dear friends, sin constantly emanates from our selfish desires and our being blind-sighted to God’s presence and power in our lives. If we live selflessly and with the “eyes of faith” open to God’s presence and power in our lives, then we will become masters of our passions and live in the freedom of the Children of God.

I pray as we journey in life today, we will appeal to the selfless sacrifice of Christ on the cross to atone for all our sins and open to us the floodgate of God’s merciful love and healing forgiveness. May our lives be renewed, and in, with and through grace, may we be masters of our passions. Have an anger-free and selfless-full day!

– Fr. Francis Onwnali

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