Wednesday homily of the 22nd week in Ordinary Time Cycle I (1)

Wednesday homily of the 22nd week in Ordinary Time Cycle I

Theme: JESUS HEALED THEM ALL….. “Laying his hands on each one, He healed them. Demons were driven out”

By: Fr. Antoni CAROL i Hostench
(Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain)


Homily for Wednesday September 1 2021

Today, we are facing a great contrast: people out in search of Jesus and him healing all kind of “sickness” (starting with Simon’s mother-in-law); at the same time, «demons were driven out, howling!» (Lk 4:41). That is: On one side, goodness and peace; evil and despair, on the other.
It is not the first time we see the devil being “driven out” that is, escaping from the presence of God amid shouting and expostulation. Let us remember the demon-possessed man of Gerasenes (cf. Lk 8:26-39). Yet, it is surprising that, here, it is the same devil that “comes out” to meet Jesus (though, admittedly, quite furious and angry, for God’s presence was disturbing his shameful tranquility).

How often, too, we think that finding Jesus is just a nuisance! It bothers us having to attend Mass on Sundays; it flusters us to remember how long it is since our last prayer; we are ashamed of our mistakes, but we do not go to the Doctor of our soul begging for forgiveness… Let us ponder whether it is not our Lord who has to come out looking for us, when we are “reluctant” to leave our little “cave” to go out and meet He who is the shepherd of our souls and lives! This is simply called, half-heartedness.

This behavior has a diagnosis, though: apathy, lack of tension in our soul, anguish, disorderly curiosity, hyperactivity, spiritual laziness about matters of faith, pusillanimity, desire of being alone with ourselves… But there is also an antidote: to stop contemplating one’s navel and getting down to work. To take the small commitment to devote every day a short while to look and listen to Jesus (this is what we call praying): Jesus did it too, for «He left at daybreak and looked for a solitary place» (Lk 4:42). To take the small commitment of defeating our selfishness in some small thing every day for the benefit of others (this is what we call loving). To take the small-great commitment to live every day coherently with our Christian life.

Fr. Antoni CAROL i Hostench
(Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain)

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