Short homily for Tuesday of the 28th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle I
Theme: Be not ashamed of the gospel!
By: Rev Fr Oselumhense Anetor (Uromi Diocese)
Homily for Tuesday October 12 2021
Rom.1:16-25; Luke 11:37-41
There’s a popular saying that “evil thrives when good people stay silent.” There are those of us who have strong convictions about what good to do and what evil to reject, but for some reasons we’re too ashamed to act on our convictions. So we smile when colleagues lie. We pretend to be equally corrupt because it’s everywhere you go. This attitude is wrong. We must not change our principles because of ‘the crowd’.
Friends, in today’s first reading, St Paul encourages us not to be ashamed of the gospel. In like manner, Jesus rejects pretentiousness in the gospel reading. To be Christians, we ought to wash our hearts, and not pretend to do so. The efforts that matter should be those that come from a place of sincerity. It should never be about ‘what people will say’, or ‘what impressions we are able to make’. Let’s make a firm resolve to stand with our convictions today, by God’s grace.
Good morning dear. God bless your day ahead.