Short homily for Tuesday of the 27th week in Ordinary Time Cycle I (2)

Word of God

Short homily for Tuesday of the 27th week in Ordinary Time Cycle I

HOMILY Theme: Second chances!

By: Rev Fr Oselumhense Anetor (Uromi Diocese)


Homily for Tuesday October 5 2021

Jonah 3:1-10; Lk.10:38-42

The young boy had made many mistakes in his life. Each time he went back to using drugs, smoking hemp and getting drunk, a voice deep down reminded him that he would not solve his problems that way. One day, he decided to read the Bible after a long time. His eyes fell on Psalm 130 verse 1 and following… “Out of the depths I cry to you O Lord, Lord hear my voice… If you O Lord should mark our guilt, Lord who would survive, but with you is found forgiveness…”

He let the bottle of vodka fall from his grip as he closed his eyes in meditation… Friends, God always gives us second chances, which can become major turning points in our lives if we let them. Jonah didn’t have to preach with joyful willingness before the people of Nineveh repented. Whenever we sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to his word, like Mary did in today’s gospel reading, we can be sure that he’ll give us second chances and forgive our many sins too. Are we ready to be forgiven?

Good morning dear. God bless your day ahead.


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