Short homily for Saturday of the 25th week in Ordinary Time Cycle I
Theme: No pain, no gain!
By: Rev Fr Oselumhense Anetor (Uromi Diocese)
Homily for Saturday September 25 2021
Zech.2:5-9,14-15; Luke 9:43-45
Years ago, I woke up to a post on WhatsApp of how “Amazon” became very successful, while another company, “Toys R Us” went bankrupt. Explaining the principle of their success, Amazon emphasised ‘putting the customer first,’ invention’, and ‘patience.’ In the practice of our faith this would readily translate to ‘putting God first’, ‘creativity with our talents’ and ‘patience’. Toys R Us failed because they put themselves first instead of their customers, they lacked courage to be creative, and they were impatient.
Take Jesus for instance. He never forgot the One who sent him. He was so ingenious in his words and actions that his fame went all over the countryside. Yet he was patient with his disciples who never seemed to understand why pain was needed for gain. Jesus Christ did everything he did for our sakes. The many sufferings he endured, the pains he bore, the cross he carried were all because of his desire to see us saved. Friends, our attempts at being effective Christians will fail if we do not put service of God and neighbour first.
Good morning dear. Good bless your weekend.