Reflection for the Solemnity of Christ the King Year B
By: Sr. J. K. Osiyemi, EHJ
Reflection for Sunday November 21 2021
Jn 18: 33-37.
The Kingship of Jesus cannot be understood in the ordinary worldly way. His kingdom is not limited to a specific geographical space. Jesus is the King of kings and the Lord of Lords. He is Holier than the holiest, Better than the best, Higher than the highest, Richer than the richest, Mightier than the mightiest, Greater than the greatest. Jesus in not like other kings. He has no soldiers to defend him. Rather, He is the King that defends me. He is my advocate. Do I treat Jesus as the King of my life? Do I work to create a kingdom of love and peace around me?
Thy kingdom come O Lord God. Thank you for reigning preeminently over all the affairs of my life. Thank you for loving me and making me a line of kings to serve you, my God. I am happy that you are the King that rules my world. Give me your type of humility that made you a King to become my friend and servant. May I be a true witness to your reign by my way of life. Let the your truth of your sovereignty be manifested in the daily blessings you pour on me. Amen.
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