Homily for Wednsday of the 19th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle II (1)

Homily for Wednsday of the 19th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle II


By: Rev. Fr. Jacob Aondover ATSU


Homily for Wednesday August 12 2020

READINGS: EZEKIEL 9:1-7,10:18-22, PSALM 113, MATTHEW 18:15-20

The tone of Jesus especially in verses 15-18 suggests that there is no limit to forgiveness. Jesus was aware of the fact that there will come a time when dissensions, breach of relationships, troubles and animosity may spring up among the Christian brothers and sisters. He was aware too of the fact that mending of relationships was possible and good for all Christian communities. He therefore put before his followers this scheme of reconciliation and mending of cracked or coarsened relationships.

Beloved, it is dangerous and fatal to brood about the wrongs done to us by our brothers and sisters. It is best to put our complaints into words and channel them to the right direction (the person who has wronged us). It is also fatal and disastrous not to approach our supposed aggressor face to face. It is damaging to go behind ranting and speaking ill about our aggressors. It is best and healing enough to approach those who wrong us and sort out issues with them; it is matured enough to do so.

Jesus insists we have our quarrels, troubles and dissensions settled amongst ourselves or at most, among our brethren. For they reason like we do, are governed by the same rules and profess same faith in God as we do. He insists not so much on involving third parties in our problems with others but that we stop at nothing in our bid to mend our broken relationships with one another. We must always live in love and unity with one another.

Jesus would further emphasis that the Church can forgive or remit sins hence settle human destiny on earth and in eternity. We may always approach the Church as a sacrament bringing us salvation and reconciliation.

Here comes the consoling and ever assuring part of today’s gospel: Whatever two or three agree on here on earth while praying, God will grant it. And wherever two or three are gathered in Christ’s name, He, Jesus would be there. Jesus teaches us that our prayer must not be selfish, that so, such prayers will be answered. Consequently, he wants us to realize that he is never far from us when we commune in his name. He is with us at our prayer meetings, Masses (Eucharistic celebrations), Bible sharing, Christian gatherings and so on.

He teaches us the value of praying and ‘fellowshiping’ together. May I charge families to pray together, workers to pray together, Church members to pray together and the world to live and commune together in Christ’s name. May I pray that Jesus always come to us for his presence is: SAVING, HEALING, LIBERATING. Amen.


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