Homily for Wednesday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle I
Theme: Make good use of your gifts and talents
By: Fr. Francis Onwunali
Homily for Wednesday November 17 2021
The readings of today ask each one of us to be responsible for the use of the gifts and talents God has given to us in life. Whenever we place immeasurable value on any thing, we guard it jealously. What value do you attach to your responsibility in relationship with God?
In the gospel (Luke 19: 11-28), as Jesus continues His journey to Jerusalem, the Jews who thought Him to be the Messiah expected Him to bring about the Reign of the Kingdom of God according to their desire to outrun the Roman occupation of their territory. However, Jesus tells them the parable of the King who while going on a long journey, gave his servant responsibilities (talents) expecting effective use and accountability. How effective or indifferent have I been with the gift of life God has given me?
In the first reading (2 Mac. 7: 1, 20-31), we are presented with the account of seven brothers who died on the watch of their faithful mother as the take ownership and responsibility for their faith in keeping the commandments of God. Do you have difficulty affirming your faith in the face or challenges and persecution?
Dear friends, the life we have is a gift given to us by God as declared by the mother of these seven sons: “I do not know how you appeared in my womb; it was not I who endowed you with breath and life… It is the creator of the world…” How responsible have I been with my life? Does my life give glory to God or am I so indifferent and selfish?
I pray as we journey in life today, let us be always conscious that we will give account of how faithful we live our lives in love, mercy and compassion. May we continue to obey the Word of God so that God’s love will come to perfection in us (1 Jn 15:16). Have a faith-full day!
Fr. Francis Onwunali