Homily for Tuesday within the Octave of Easter Year A (1)

Homily for Tuesday within the Octave of Easter Year A

Theme: Mary Magdalene’s encounter with the Lord.

By: Fr. Benny Tuazon


Homily for Tuesday April 14 2020

(Jn. 20:11-18) Tuesday in the Octave of Easter

In today’s Gospel we have John’s version of Mary Magdalene’s encounter with the Lord. It was a more intimate encounter. Notice that when Jesus called her by her name, she recognized Jesus. It was then that Mary sought to touch Jesus but stopped her. However, it did not stop her to believe and hasten to report it to the disciples.

“I have seen the Lord!” This is a very meaningful biblical statement. It both pertains physical and spiritual seeing. In MARY’s case, it was more of the latter than the former. Jesus appeared to her in His resurrected state. It was not easy to recognize JESUS in that state. But with faith, she was able to recognize the risen Lord.

Yes. Only in faith will we recognize the risen Lord. It presupposes a belief in the resurrection. In the Christian faith, we see when believe.

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