Homily for Tuesday of the 7th Week of Easter Year A (1)

Homily for Tuesday of the 7th Week of Easter Year A

Theme: JESUS PRAYS FOR US……” Father, the hour has come”

By: Fr. Pere OLIVA i March

Homily for Tuesday May 26 2020

Today, St. John’s Gospel —that we have been reading for days now— begins by speaking of “the hour”: «Father, the hour has come» (Jn 17:1). The crowning moment, the clarification of everything, the utmost donation of Christ who delivers himself to all… But “the hour” still is a hidden reality to men; it will be revealed as the scheme of Jesus’ life will open the perspective of the Cross.

Has the hour come? What hour? Well, the hour when men will recognize God’s name, that is, his actions, his way to address Mankind, his way to speak to us; in the Son, in the Christ He loves.

Now a day, men and women know God through Jesus («I have given them the teaching I received from you»: Jn 17:8), we become witnesses of life, of the divine life developing inside us thanks to the Baptism. In him, we live, we move, we are; in him, we find words that feed us and make us grow; in him, we discover what God wants out of us: our plenitude, our human realization, an existence that does not live out of personal vainglory but out of an existential attitude that becomes strong through the same God and his Glory. As St. Irineus remind us, «The Glory of God is living man». Let us exalt and praise God and his glory so that we, human beings, can reach our plenitude!

The Gospel of Jesus Christ marks us; we work for the glory of God, a task that translates in a better service for today’s men and women’s lives. This means working for true human communication, true happiness of the person, to increase the joy of the sad ones, to exert compassion on the needing… In short: open to Life (with capital letters).

For the Spirit, God works inside every human being and lives in the deepest part of the person constantly incentivating everybody to live as per the Gospel values. The Good News is the expression of the liberating happiness He wants to give us.

Fr. Pere OLIVA i March
(Sant Feliu de Torelló, Barcelona, Spain)

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