Homily for Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter Year A (2)

Homily for Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter Year A


By: Rev. Fr. Jacob Aondover ATSU


Homily for Tuesday May 19 2020

READINGS: ACTS 16:22-34, PSALM 138, JOHN 16:5-11

According to an English proverb: “It is folly to bolt the door with a boiled carrot.” This is self-explanatory. The Christian who doesn’t entrust himself to God for guidance and protection but depends on human security is as best ‘wasting his time’. Where lies our life’s security? For Rev. Fr. VIMA Dasan S.J, it is in our nearness to God and not in our distance from danger. Remember the words of the Psalmist, “If the Lord does not watch over a house, in vain does the watchman keep guard” (127:1).

When we build our security around men, structures and the likes hoping to be safe with them, we may remember that there is a chief security guard – God, and the needful weapon – prayer. The jailer of Paul and Silas after locking them in the inner cell and stationing at the gate with his sword, thought everything was safe, but when the almighty came calling; he looked so incompetent and in danger himself. There comes a time when friends prove unfaithful, jobs are lost, when natural disasters come upon us, when our fences with wires on them fail us; then we realize the need for a deeper security. The jailer put aside his armour and looked out for a deeper security and found it in the baptism of the Spirit (Acts 16:33).

God is our surest source of safety and freedom especially when we are unjustly afflicted. Paul and Silas were arrested and imprisoned for saving the slave girl (Acts 16:16-24) who could give oracles to guide people about the future (a Pytho). They did good in God’s name but the evil men who used her for monetary gains plotted their arrest and detention. When they prayed trustingly and faithfully to God, praising him loudly, God showed his mighty power and saved them; in fact, he saved the jailer too, from unbelief.

May Christ’s Spirit inform our priorities: that we’d value prayer and worship of God above all hence enhance the security of both our body and soul. Amen.


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