Homily for Tuesday of the 14th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle II
By: Rev. Fr. Jacob Aondover ATSU
Homily for Tuesday July 7 2020
READINGS: HOSEA 8:4-7.11-13, PSALM 115, MATTHEW 9:32-38
Beloved friends, a look at our Gospel reading today shows that, those who followed Christ were initially amazed by God’s saving touch. However, there came the blasphemous reaction of the Pharisees, born out of envy. As poised as he was for his mission, nothing could slow him down talk less of stop him from advancing the will of the Father.
Sons and daughters of God, neither praise for the good we’ve done, nor ridicule aimed at discrediting our work as Christians should hamper our growth as followers of Christ. Come what may, may we steadily advance the work of God wherever we find ourselves.
As we journey through life, we may encounter some Pharisees who are: too rigid in their erroneous beliefs to change, hence very adamant; too proud in their self-satisfaction to submit to other views, and those who are too prejudiced to see the good we do!
Dear friends, the moon does not stop shinning because an ignorant dog persistently barks at it. The Christian goes on living as it pleases God, while those who oppose God keep on antagonizing. Nothing stops the truly Christian from being Christian, Believe that!
Dearly beloved, we should be too engaged as children of God to be distracted. Just from today’s gospel passage we see the diverse nature of our work. Like Christ, who toured many towns and villages heralding and teaching the good news; and healing diseases, we are meant to be always engaged.
✓•We are to be seen and heard bringing God’s message to our families, friends, colleagues, etc.
✓•We are to busy ourselves teaching the ignorant of the ways of the kingdom and through our words and actions, we are to heal people of their many illnesses, physical or psychological.
✓•Furthermore, we are to be advocates of Jesus’ compassion towards the sick, the poor, the pained and afflicted; the hungry, the abandoned, the bewildered and confused – marginalized and oppressed by the powers that be.
✓•Finally, we are to be seen praying for an increase in the number of God’s ministers here on earth. Indeed, brothers and sisters, we should be too busy working for God to be distracted by men/women.
Moreover, we are to busy ourselves praying for the world, her kingmakers and her leaders. We should pray that the kings and princes of the world be from God and not from the devious manipulations of satanic agents. That so, we may be sure to avoid the anger of the Lord which burned against Israel and Samaria.