Homily for Tuesday of the 13th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle II
Theme: Do not be afraid
By: Fr. Benny Tuazon
Homily for Tuesday June 30 2020
(Mt. 8:23-27) Tuesday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time
In today’s Gospel Jesus was in a boat at sea with His disciples and they were encountering a violent storm and being swamped by waves. The disciples were so afraid that they might sink, thus, they woke up Jesus who was asleep. Jesus rebuked the disciples for their fear and told them not to be afraid. He calmed the storm and the disciples were amazed.
For the Christian community of Matthew, the event was reflective of the life and ministry of the People of God, the Church. As God’s people, the persecution, suffering, rejection, and suffering had not stop. The work of proclaiming the Good News and inviting sinners to conversion still persists. Many feel abandoned. Can the Church (the boat in the Gospel) reach its destination?
The disciples alone cannot steer the Church to shore. Without Jesus, she will sink. The Church should never detach herself from the Lord. She must have faith in Him. Asleep or not, Jesus takes care of the Church. Jesus founded the Church and gave her life. The Eucharist is an assurance of Jesus’ constant, true, and real presence.
Salvation is not only preserving life on earth but life eternal. We echo the pleading of the disciples to Jesus, “Lord, save us!” While they meant it as salvation from drowning, we utter it to mean being saved from sin. And Jesus will oblige. He does not reject anyone who is willing to turn away from evil and embrace God.