Homily for Thursday of the 2nd Week of Easter Year A (1)

Homily for Thursday of the 2nd Week of Easter Year A

Theme: The key to eternal life

By: Fr. Benny Tuazon


Homily for Thursday April 23 2020

(Jn. 3:31-36) Thursday of the Second Week of Easter.

In today’s Gospel Jesus stresses belief in Him as vital to eternal life. Jesus made a rich man seeking to obtain eternal life realize this. Following the commandments was not enough. Leaving everything and following Jesus are necessary. Jesus is the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father, the state of eternal life, except through Him.

Jesus was chosen by God to be the ultimate redeemer and mediator. He fulfilled His role in becoming one like us and spent His life preaching and doing miracles. And at the most opportune time, suffered, died, and resurrected. In Him, God’s plan of salvation for all, was realized. Because of Him, salvation came to those who lived before, during, and after Jesus’ time. In this sense, He is The Way.

Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus is both human and divine. By being divine, He is a Savior. This, faith in Him merits eternal life. Whoever believes in Him will never die. Not that death in earthly life will not end, but that life continues in the next life. And the passage through it is in Jesus.

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