Homily for Thursday of the 16th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle II (1)

Homily for Thursday of the 16th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle II

Theme: Why Jesus speaks in parables

By: Fr. Benny Tuazon


Homily for Thursday July 22 2020

(Mt. 13:10-17) Thursday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time

In today’s Gospel Jesus told them why He talked in parables. It was not His intention to mislead or hide the truth. Parables allow listeners to get into the heart of things. But Jesus stressed that one must be open and receptive to the Word of God. He criticized those who have eyes yet are blind to the truth. Some listen yet they do not hear the true sound of the Gospel. Case in point was Jesus Himself. They could not recognize Jesus. Jesus told them how graced they were in being able to have Him before their eyes. Many longed for the experience they were having but were deprived of that benefit. In other words, they had all the reasons to recognize the Messiah. But they were deaf and blind.

We have to compliment out eyes and ears with faith and heart. In a manner of saying, we should let the eyes and ears of our souls operate. Let us not only listen with our ears and see with our eyes. We ought to open our whole self and beg the Spirit to inebriate us so God’s Word can enter our person and move is to imbibe them. Let us avoid, “pasok sa isang tenga at labas sa kabila.” Take care that the words we hear enters one ear and exit through the other. Or, in the case of seeing, we not only look at the externals, but see the relation of things and their import in our life of faith.

It is because of the above that Jesus talked on parables. Parables are stories of everyday life that teach lessons as symbolized by the ideas used. Parables, per se are easy to understand and create an excitement which prod one to stop, look, and listen. They are not offensive for they do not address the listener directly. If the listener is sharp and attentive enough, he can benefit from it by grasping its powerful message. Parables are effective to the one who like to see and listen. It is just a story, maybe entertaining, to those who are fascinated with human situations. They leave satisfied emotionally and intellectually. On the other hand, the discerning and faithful listener go spiritually uplifted, morally challenged, and reflective. They are those who truly and really see and hear.

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