Homily for the Feast of Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael.
Theme: … apart from me, you can do nothing.
By: Rev. Fr. Anthony O. EZEAPUTA, MA.
Homily for Wednesday September 29 2021
Angels are creatures of God like us but of a spiritual order. By being creatures, they have their existence given to them. Angels, like us, are part of the universe, and no part fulfills its mission if it is entirely cut off from God. Angels are rightly called God’s messengers because they stand before God and are oriented to God with their whole being. We can only become God’s messengers if we remain in the sight of God and for God.
“El” which means “God” ends the names of the three Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. God is written in their names, and God is inscribed in their nature. Their true nature is existing in the sight of God and for God. It is in this sense that Angels are called God’s messengers. Because they constantly gaze on God, they reveal God’s message to us and act on behalf of God.
Archangel Michael, his name in Hebrew is “Who is like God?” led the battle of the good angels against Lucifer and his followers when they rebelled against God. Archangel Gabriel, his name in Hebrew means “God’s strength announced the birth of John the Baptist to his father Zacharias and the Incarnation of the Word in the womb of Mary. Archangel Raphael, his name in Hebrew means “God has healed” because of his healing of Tobias’ blindness in the Book of Tobit. They are bearers of God’s message and acted in the name of God because they remained faithful to their name and nature.
Because angels are with God, they are also very close to us. Indeed, God is closer to each one of us than we can ever imagine. God, the Son, became man to be near us -Emmanuel; “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”)” (Mt. 1:23). In this sense, we human beings can only return to being angels -God’s messengers, to one another if we are in communion with Jesus. He says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). It is in Jesus that we live, move, and have our being (Acts 17:28). It is by remaining connected to “the vine” that our call to become God’s messengers can be fruitful.
On the feast the Archangels, may they teach how to be men and women of God. That is, being oriented to God and living in the sight of God. The more we do so, the more we also understand who we are, our neighbor, and the more can become an angel for them — a messenger of God, who leads them to God, and to live the idea that God has of them. May the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael intercede for us.
Feast of Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael.
September 29, 2021.