Homily for the 2nd Sunday of Lent Year C
Theme: Faith in God’s glory
By: Fr. Francis Onwunali
Homily for Sunday March 13 2022
We celebrate today the liturgy of the Second Sunday of Lent Year C. Last Sunday we were reminded to be conscious of God’s presence in our lives and to draw strength from God to overcome temptations. Today, to sustain this consciousness, we are presented with the message of strengthened faith in God’s glory.
In the first reading (Gen 15: 5-12, 17-18), we experience the unilateral covenant that God entered into with Abram. Confused with the seeming unbelievable promises God is making to him- having many offspring and inheriting the Land filled with milk and honey, Abram stood firm and looked upon God. Through the eyes of faith he recognized God’s call on his life which led to an everlasting covenant of friendship and peace with the living God (Gen. 15: 5-12, 17-18). Faith makes us taste in advance the light of God’s glory. Whatever is promised, must come to pass!
In the gospel (Luke 9: 28-36), Jesus took three of His closest disciples to the Mount of Transfiguration to reveal His glory, thereby strenghtening their faith in face of what He is to accomplish in Jerusalem- His death and resurrection in glory.
Dear friends, the mystery of our redemption can only be understood within the context of faith. Faith in God who, in Christ, took it upon Himself to bear the consequences of our failings in keeping to our part of the covenant, a life of disobedience. Jesus embraced the cross to obtain the crown that awaits each of us, if we will follow in His steps. This is the reason for the Transfiguration, a glimpse into this glory that is ours. Is there anything that is hindering me from recognizing this glory in my life? Am I still living a life of disobedience?
I pray as we journey in life today, we will listen to Paul’s admonition to remain faithful in the Lord and not to behave as enemies of the cross of Christ (Phil. 3: 17- 4:1). Since the Lord is my light and my help, whom and what shall I fear? Since the Lord is the stronghold of my life; before whom and what shall I shrink? (Ps. 26: 1). Lord, may I see and experience your glory. Have a glorious Sunday!
Fr. Francis Onwunali