Homily for the 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time Year B (3)

Homily for the 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time Year B

Theme: The essence of eternal life

By: Fr. Benny Tuazon


Homily for Sunday October 10 2021

(Mark 10:17-27) Twenty Eight Sunday in Ordinary Time

In today’s Gospel Jesus was approached by a rich young man wanting to attain eternal life. It was a good opportunity for Jesus to teach the essence of eternal life. At its most radical condition, it means poverty and freedom from everything. Eternal life is first and foremost. Following Jesus, who is the way, will lead us to the Father.

The fate of the rich young man had been the fate of so many who see the importance of riches more than faith in God. The lure and benefits of material or earthly possessions had inebriated so many that it had become their king. It has become a material world with the spiritual world set aside.

The analogy of Jesus using the camel and the needle brings home the point that radical following of the Lord maybe hard but it is not impossible. A camel entering the needle’s hole may be hard but it can be done.

In the same way, our faith in God should inspire us to seek God. It will not be easy. He told us that. There were no empty and misleading promises. We knew what are coming and what are our responsibilities. Let us persist in helping us achieve God’s goal in us. Let us want eternal life. Let us follow Jesus!


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