Homily for Saturday of the 5th Week of Easter Year A (1)

Homily for Saturday of the 5th Week of Easter Year A

Theme: Expect the worst

By: Fr. Benny Tuazon


(Jn.15:18-21) Saturday of the Fifth Week of Easter

In today’s Gospel Jesus told His apostles what their fate would be if they followed Him. The disciples should expect the worst because JESUS would experience the worst for them. In yesterday’s Gospel, Jesus professed that He was willing to give His life because, for Him, we are His friends and not slaves.

To be a Christian is both a joy and a great challenge not to mention pain-full. The Christian should not expect an easy and comfortable life. While we should not be masochists, we are expected to endure pain, shame, discrimination, rejection, and even death for the sake of the Gospels. Our eyes are fixed on the Kingdom. Nothing can separate us from the love of God. We do not compromise our faith for anything in the world.

The above is the reason why some leave the faith. Many stay for the same reason. The challenge is to see our discipleship as the definition of our life. Life is about knowing, loving, and serving God at all cost. Martyrs had attained such a state. They saw their faith as larger than life. They had come to the point of seeing the whole of life as lived here on earth and continued in the next life, eternal life with God.

That is why we have hope. The Christian is the epitome of hope. Justice still exists in the next life. Life’s challenges are worth bearing. Our Lord had proven it. He had, in fact, gone ahead and experienced the worst. We must be inspired and motivated. Like soldiers, we march to sure victory towards the Kingdom.

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