Homily for Saturday of the 3rd Week of Advent (1)

Angels visitation

Homily for Saturday of the 3rd Week of Advent

Theme: THE BIRTH OF JOHN THE BAPTIST FORETOLD.….“Don’t be afraid, Zechariah, be assured that your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son”

By: Fr. Ignasi FUSTER i Camp


Homily for Saturday December 19 2020

Today, the angel Gabriel announces the “supernatural” birth of John the Baptist, the man who will prepare the mission of the Messiah to the priest Zechariah. God, in His loving providence, prepares Jesus’ birth along with John’s. Isabel’s sterility is not a problem. God wants to perform such a miracle because of His love for us, his creatures.

But Zechariah, on this occasion, does not show much supernatural faith: «How can I believe this? I am an old man and my wife is elderly, too» (Lk 1:18). He has an excessively human way of looking at things. He lacks trust in God’s plans, which are always bigger than ours: in this case, nothing more than the Incarnation of the Son of God for the salvation of mankind! The angel finds an “absent-minded” Zechariah, slow in Godly matters, a bit “off the air”.

With Christmas being.only a few days away, may the angel of the Lord find us ready, just as Mary was. It is necessary that we try to keep ourselves in the presence of God during the day, to intensify our love for Jesus Christ in our prayer, to receive Holy Communion with devotion: because Jesus is going to be born and come to us! We should have a supernatural outlook about all our affairs. We need such a vision in our professional work, in our studies, in our apostolate, even in our daily setbacks. Nothing escapes divine providence! With the certainty and joy of knowing that we are cooperating with the angels and the Lord in the loving, salvational plans of God.

Fr. Ignasi FUSTER i Camp
(La Llagosta, Barcelona, Spain)

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