Homily for Saturday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle I (2)

Homily for Saturday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle I


By: Fr. Diotacious Chikontwe SMA


Homily for Saturday November 27 2021

Daniel: 7:2-14
R. Psalm:Daniel 3:75-81
Luke: 21:29-33


Dear brethrens, the statement of Jesus, “Be vigilant” means many different things. It could be: to grab the opportunity when opportunity knocks; not to waste time; to prepare for coming of our death and the Second Coming of Christ and the fulfillment of the establishment of God’s Kingdom.

1. First, we should be vigilant against the evil spirit and his temptation. It is because the evil spirit is very real in our ordinary daily living. He is roaming around us. He always finds ways on how to destroy us; on how to attack us especially in our relationship with God.
He sows doubts and confusion so that we will not be able to know the truth about God and His Kingdom. But we can overcome evil by our own vigilance, discernment, faithfulness, patience, self-control, determination and faith.

2. Second, let us be vigilant of our own death. It is because there is nothing certain in this world than our own death. All of us will experience death. Death is our common destiny. But also there is nothing more uncertain in this world than death itself in the sense that no one knows the day or the time that we will die. Death is like a thief that comes in the night, unexpected and so sudden. Like for example, at the present we are talking and joking with somebody but then after a minute we suffer heart attack and on the spot we die. And so the advice of Jesus is that we have to be prepared and be ready at all times.

3. Third, let us be vigilant for the Second Coming of Christ. On that day we will make an account of our lives. And I hope that this final day should not catch us by surprise. Let us be aware that we have to return of what God has given to us as gifts but of course with fruits. Let us spend our limited time wisely in the service of God. Let us follow the advice of Jesus in today’s gospel, namely not to “become drowsy from carousing and drunkenness and the anxieties of daily life.

Dear friends, let us remember that, a vigilant Christian is oriented towards that goal, a destiny, an end, an encounter with the risen Lord. Someone is coming. He is coming as He had once come on that silent and holy night. Our vigilance will not be in vain.

May You Have A Blessed Saturday!

Fr. Diotacious Chikontwe SMA

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