Today’s readings dwell on faithful patience for the fulfilment of God’s promise to show justice to the upright and the efficacy of faith.
In the first reading ( Deut 6: 4-13), Moses delivers the “Shemah, Yisrael” (Hear, O Israel) prayer which is one of the keystones of the Jewish faith. This prayer admonishes to love but God alone. Bearing this constantly in mind, they are to recall God’s promise of leading into the Promised Land. They are to pray this prayer frequently and reverently. Does God’s interventions in your life remind you of His love which demands a loving response from you?
Jesus, in the gospel addresses the lack of faith of His disciples (Matt 17: 14-20). They were not able to cast out the devil in the child brought to them. When they asked, why? Jesus reminded them that it was because of their lack of faith.
Dear friends, to grow in our faith, we must remain constantly in a relationship with God recalling His wonderful deeds in our lives. A constant recall of God’s wonderful deeds brings one ever into God’s presence from where comes the strength of faith. This is why the prayer of praise and thanksgiving is foremost in our faith growth and relationship with God.
I pray as we journey in life today, we will realize that faith is an ongoing process which require patience to grow. May our faith even as small as mustard seed, help us to rise above our huddles, knowing fully well that God “will never forsake those who seek Him in faith” (Ps 10: 11). Have a trust and faith-full day!
Fr. Francis Onwunali