Homily for Saturday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle II
Theme: THE BOY JESUS IN THE TEMPLE …..” As for his mother, she kept all these things in her heart”
By: Fr, Jordi PASCUAL i Bancells
Homily for Saturday June 20 2020
Today, we celebrate the memory of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. A spotless Heart, full of God, totally willing to listen to him and obey him. In Bible’s language, the heart refers to a person’s deepest essence, where all thoughts, words and deeds emanate from. What does emanate from the Virgin Mary’s heart? Faith, obedience, tenderness, availability, spirit of service, fortitude, humility, simplicity, gratitude, and a countless rosary of virtues.
Why? We find the answer in Jesus’ words: «For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also» (Mt 6:21). Mary’s treasure is her Son, and in him she has set her heart; Mary’s thoughts, words and deeds have their beginning and their end in the contemplation and satisfaction of the Lord.
Today’s Gospel offers us a good sample. After narrating the scene of Jesus lost and found in the temple, it tells us: «As for his mother, she kept all these things in her heart» (Lk 2:51). St. Gregory of Nyssa comments: «God allows to be seen by those who have a pure heart». What does Mary keep in her heart? From the Incarnation to Jesus’ Ascension to Heaven, through the bitter hours of the Calvary, there are so very many meditated and profound remembrances: the joy of Angel Gabriel’s visit announcing Mary God’s designs for her, the first kiss and the first embrace to the newly born child, the first steps of her Son on earth, contemplating him growing in wisdom and grace, her “involvement” in the wedding of Cana, Jesus’ teachings during his preaching, the saviour pains of the Cross, her hopes in the triumph of Resurrection…
Let us beg God to give us the joy of loving him more perfectly every day, with all our heart, as the good sons of the Virgin Mary that we are.
Fr, Jordi PASCUAL i Bancells
(Salt, Girona, Spain)