Homily for Monday within the Octave of Easter
Theme: God’s plan for mankind
By: Fr. Benny Tuazon
Homily for Monday April 13 2020
(Mt. 28:8-15) Monday within the Octave of Easter
We have entered into the Easter Season. These are days of reflecting and savouring the joy and glory of Easter. We have an account of two Marys finding an empty tomb and later encountering Jesus who told them to bring the Good News to the disciples in Galilee where the risen Lord will meet them. Added to the account was the bribery of the soldiers by the chief priests and the elders that the dead body of Jesus was stolen by theapostles thus putting doubt to the claim of their claim that Jesus, indeed, has risen from the dead. This explains why the Jews until now are waiting for the Messiah. They believed the false witness of the soldiers.
Mary of Magdala, considered a great sinner in her time, a prostitute given as a goner, was given the grace of the appearance of the risen Jesus. It was a testimony of her forgiveness by God. It gives the idea that the resurrection was meant as an invitation for sinners to repent and be given another chance. Thus, hope is given.
The resurrection is hope. It means that life does not end here on earth. Life on earth connects with life eternal. As we say it in Filipino, “kabilang buhay.” For us who are in sin, poverty, sickness, injustice, and other situations of “incompleteness”, have hope and do not feel forsaken. We always have the next life to gather everything and bring into fulfillment.
Let us be inspired by Mary of Magdalene. Let us be thankful for a gracious and merciful God. Now we realize God’s plan in Jesus. We were worth the sacrifice.