Homily for Monday of the 8th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle II (2)

Homily for Monday of the 8th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle II

Theme: Desire for possession

By: Fr. Francis Onwunali

Homily for Monday February 28 2022 https://www.homilytoday.com/homily-for-monday-of-the-8th-week-in-ordinary-time-cycle-ii-2/


On this first working day of the week, the last day of the month of February and as we prepare to welcome the Season of Lent, the readings of today admonish us to seek for the highest treasure, the source of all treasures, Jesus Christ.

In the first reading (1 Peter 1: 3-9), Peter reassures the early believers who are experiencing persecution on account of their faith, to remain faithful. Our faith begins and ends with God! This gift of faith anchored on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, will bring forth the fulfilment of God’s promises in our lives. In sustaining our faith in the face of tribulations, may we be inundated with God’s uncommon favours.

Jesus in the gospel (Mark 10: 17-27) points out to His disciples that one of the lures that takes us away from God is the desire for possessions. To the young wealthy man, Jesus asks to sell all his possession and then come and follow Him. However, his attachement to earthly treasures stopped him from embracing the highest of all treasures, Jesus Himself (Mark 10: 17-27).

Dear friends, what is it that gives hope and satisfaction to your desire for happiness and security? Wealth here can be interpreted to mean material possessions or the addictions of our lives that hinder us from the priceless treasure of the Kingdom of God. I ask: Does my possession or addiction give me false sense of security and satisfaction? And what do I need to let go so as to embrace the wealth that never fades?

I pray as we journey in life today and as we prepare for lent, we will re-examine our lives to sieve out the rubbish that need to go and hold on to the values that endure. With the Psalmist may we give thanks to the Lord with all our hearts in the company and assembly of the just (Ps 111: 1). May the Lord be our hiding place, save us from distress and surround us with songs of deliverance (Ps. 32: 7). Have a liberation and faith-full day!

Fr. Francis Onwunali

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