Homily for Monday of the 4th Week of Easter
Theme: The Sheep’s Gate
By: Fr. Benny Tuazon
Homily for Monday May 4 2020
(Jn. 10:1-10) Monday of the Fourth Sunday of Easter
In today’s Gospel We continue with John’s account of Jesus as the Good Shepherd. Now, Jesus shifts to being the gate. This is a polemic against those who lead the sheep astray; the robbers and thieves. As the gate, the sheep who enters it will be led to eternal life.
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Him. His words and actions bring life eternal.
There are many who will try to steal the sheep from the Good Shepherd. They lure people not to follow the Lord but themselves. The very legalistic Pharisees form people with laws devoid of its spirit. Thus, the Jews in the time of Jesus were like robots just doing what they were told. But people may also be robbed from God by money, power, fame, pride, greed, etc. Worldly things and concerns can snatch is away from God. There are many wrong gates around us.
It is good to reflect the gate or gates we are presently using. There is still time to get out.