Homily for Monday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle I (2)

Homily for Monday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle I


By: Fr. Diotacious Chikontwe SMA


Homily for Monday November 22 2021

Memorial of St. Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr

Daniel 1:1-6,8-20
R. Psalm- Daniel 3:52-56
Luke: 21:1-4

In today’s Gospel Jesus observed how people were offering in the temple. There were the rich who gave a lot but mostly from their surplus. But Jesus praised a widow who put two coins from her poverty. Quantity wise, the wealthy gave more. But relatively, the widow gave more. She gave out of her poverty. Those two coins meant a lot to Jesus.

Dear Brethrens, There are a lot of people, just like during the time of Jesus, who do acts of charity whether for calamities, the homeless, the city dwellers, the sick, those in prison, etc. If you are one of them, how do you compare with the poor widow? What the poor widow deed was the extreme. But the point of Jesus was more on our attitude. Do we give because we want to do away with those who ask who can be irritant at times? Do we give because we want to be praised or recognized? Do we give to add another feather to our cap, meaning, for us to tap our shoulders and feel good?

Jesus looks not at the quantity of what we give but the intention we bring with it. We cannot expect to deceive Jesus because He sees our hearts and He knows what are in our minds. If the amount of what we give will be the only basis for goodness, then, only the rich and the generous will gain God’s favour. Fortunately it does not work that way. God is more concerned of the heart we bring with our acts specially in charity.
May all of us draw ever closer to God and find our way to Him, following Him like St. Cecilia and many others had followed Him. Amen.
St Cecilia Pray For Us! Happy Feast to All Choir Members in the whole World.

Fr. Diotacious Chikontwe SMA

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