Homily for Monday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle II (1)

Homily for Monday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle II

Theme: Jesus’ teachings on giving

By: Fr. Benny Tuazon


Homily for Monday June 15 2020

(Mt. 5:38-42) Monday of the Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time

In today’s Gospel Jesus gives very difficult teachings. These teachings may have made some stop following Him. Others may have doubted Him. While others continue to hang on and wait for the ending. Imagine, you will be asked to offer no resistance to evil? You are asked to offer the other cheek when somebody strikes you on the other? Elect not to sue, rather, share what you have? Finally, never turn down anyone who ask alms from you? These are against the very rule of Jesus’ time. Getting even was the minimum requirement. In the case of Jesus, He preferred active non-violent responses.

Before we even complain, it will be good to look at Jesus first. He knew what He was doing. He knew the human heart more than anyone. He was well aware of human instincts. He became one of us, remember? He fully understood how we feel. What did Jesus do? He practiced what He thought. He was without sin yet He accepted His fate in the hands of the Jewish leaders. He was very capable of retaliating and annihilating His torturers and killers. Yet, He would not deal with them the way we want Him to. Rather, He spread His arms and died a very excruciating and embarrassing death on the cross. Jesus knew too well that revenge will result to more violence.

But what if we are taken advantaged of the other? We are missing the point here if that will be our question. The point is, we resist and abhor what were done to us. If we dealt with the other in the same way, how do we differ from him? We commit the very same act which we go against. Violence and sin escalates with revenge. For jesus, it is best for the Christian to stop the violence as far as he is concerned. If it will continue, the Christian will not be part of it. It is hoped that that response will finally stop the cycle of violence.

Furthermore, the aim of Christianity is unity. It is in this sense that the Catholic Faith is on target. We claim to be “catholic” which means “universal.” Sinners are seen as persons in need of conversion and not dispensable or expendables. Every soul is important. The world does need another patron of satan. We do not participate in evil acts no matter how tempting. We follow the Lord and we will be in good hands.

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