Homily for Monday of the 10th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle II (1)

Homily for Monday of the 10th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle II


By: Rev. Fr. Jacob Aondover ATSU


Homily for Monday June 8 2020

READINGS: 1KINGS 17:1-6, PSALM 120, MATTHEW 5:1-12

Let me welcome you my dear brothers and sisters to this wonderful working week; a week full of potentials, dreams and aspirations. A week that promises to be better than the just concluded one. Indeed I welcome you to this week made by the Lord himself even as I pray God to bless us with his peace, his comfort, his mercy, his satisfaction, his righteousness and gladness. May he feed us physically and spiritually as he fed Elijah the Tishbite. Amen.

The Gospel of Matthew and indeed Jesus’ teaching with particular reference to the sermon on the mount is one of great challenge to all of us but also that of great promise. Today’s passage for instance challenges the true Christian to realize his/her utter helplessness and put his/her whole trust in God. It promises us eternity – the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 5:3). It reminds us that we may mourn today, i.e, we may endure the bitterest sorrow that life can bring; but promises us comfort and rest tomorrow (Matt. 5:4). It tasks us to be calm, angry only at the right time and never angry at the wrong time, it says we should be meek – be self controlled at all times. More so, it challenges us to go after righteousness always even as it reminds us to be merciful so that mercy will be shown us.

Today is a call to purity of heart, spotless in thought, word and actions. Moreover, living in a world of violence and war, we are tasked to be lovers of peace. Christ is never unaware of the fact that pain and suffering is imminent for all Christians; therefore, he promises those who’d endure pain the reward of heaven should they hang in there for his sake. As tasking as Jesus’ Gospel might be, his eternal promises are tremendous and great. We are either enjoying his mercy – given our many iniquities or meriting the perfect tittle of ‘Sons of God’. We are either enjoying Jesus’ peace hence finding joy in our homes and world or we are unworthily favoured with a place in eternity.

Beloved in Christ, the Christian way is a glorious one. It’s glory however, always lies at the end of the tunnels of persecution, righteous living, and paths of peace. Indeed the Christian way is a BLESSED ONE; we may do well to follow it.


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