Homily for Friday of the 5th Week in Ordinary Time Year II
Theme: More than a Miracle Worker
By: Fr. Benny Tuazon
Homily for Friday February 14 2020
(Mk. 7:31-37) Friday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time
In today’s Gospel Jesus heals a deaf man with speech impediment. It is interesting that Jesus separated Himself and the sick man from the crowd. He healed the man, in a way, in private. After the healing, Jesus warned the man not to tell anyone. This request after a healing had happened so many times. We wonder why?
By experience, whenever we say to anyone not to tell anyone about one thing we have said, it is usually left unheeded. Fact is, the best way to spread something is to tell people not to do so. Not that they will openly shout it but there would always be someone who they will tell after they had been similarly warned. The cycle is repeated and before you know it, everybody knows!
Or, Jesus was trying to be humble? Well, this is not the time. Also, He had done it a lot of times. Further, He did those miracle for a reason other than humility. He did the miracles as part of His message to the people that He is the Messiah and power and authority had been given to Him by the Father.
Or, Jesus was afraid of His growing number of enemies from all sectors; Pharisees, scribes, lawyers, fellow Jews, etc. Not so. If He was afraid of them He would have not done them in public. There were times when He would run or skip away but those were to avoid from being hailed by the people for the wrong reason.
Or, Jesus, as He had proclaimed many times, had not come yet to the proper time to reveal Himself. This is similar to being humble. Even if it was not yet time, Jesus was building up His revelation of His true identity. Keeping what He had done will not help His gradual recognition.
The real reason is that He did not want to be identified as merely a miracle worker or one of the prophets. He is the Messiah. He is more than a prophet and miracle worker. There were a lot of prophets and miracle workers in His time. People may have regarded Him more than them, but still, to many of them, He was still one of the prophets and the miracle workers. At the proper time, He will let everything be known. He would face His fate in Jerusalem where He will be proclaimed King even if for the Jews and the Romans psyche it was a joke. Atop His head while hanging on the cross was put the letters “INRI” which means “Isus Nazarenus Rex Ioudarium”, JESUS OF NAZARETH ,KING OF THE JEWS!