Homily for Friday of the 2nd Week of Lent Year A (1)

Homily for Friday of the 2nd Week of Lent Year A

Theme: Rejection

By: Fr. Benny Tuazon


Homily for Friday March 13 2020

(Mt. 21:33-46) Friday of the Second Week of Lent

In today’s Gospel we have the parable of the vineyard. So glaring was the fate of the son of the owner in the hands of the servants. JESUS gave this parable to foretell His own fate in the hands of the Jews and the Roman officials. He was sent to be the Savior but He will not be recognized but instead put to death. JESUS quoted Scriptures to illustrate His fate.

JOSEPH was also known as representative of JESUS the Messiah. Loved by his father Israel, his brothers planned to kill him out of jealousy. Joseph was meant to live. His life was spared. Later, he will become a king and will save his family and his people.

The story of JESUS and JOSEPH had been multiplied a lot of times. The rejected, maltreated, abused, or offended are at times disregarded and dismissed for good. Then, suddenly, they rise up and become successful and even become the master. It is a Cinderella story. This time, the story concerns us all. Much more, it is about our salvation. The rejection of JESUS was not the end of the story. His death, in fact, brought about new life in Him. In the same way, when we are rejected, it is not the end of our fate. Rather, it paves the way for another avenue which leads to a better success.

Salvation was Jesus’ mission. Salvation was what He wrought for us. Even the rejection could not stop the Father’s plan. God’s will always prevail.

We share in that mission. And the devil will try to thwart that mission to spread the Good News. Lent is the time when the devil unleashes its sinful vitriol. But it is really a time to reflect, convert, and fulfill our mission. We work in God’s vineyard. We will also be rejected and even persecuted for our faith. We will be tempted to hide or even abandon our faith.

Hopefully, we would not because God relies on us. Rejection is constitutive of being a Christian. We persist because we know it is of the devil. We do not stop until it is defeated. We do not stop until we carry our own cross and be led to the resurrection. In that way, we too have become the stone which was rejected but joined the corner stone, Jesus Christ, to build the Church.

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