Homily for Friday of the 1st Week of Advent
Theme: The Healing of The Two Blind Men, May God heal us from our own different sicknesses!
By: Fr. Diotacious Chikontwe SMA
Homily for Friday December 3 2021
Memorial of saint Francis Xavier, Priest
Isaiah: 29:17-24
Psalm: 26:1,4,13-14
Matthew: 9:27-31
Dear brethrens, today the first Friday of Advent, the Gospel presents three characters: Jesus, and the two blind men who approach him, full of faith and with hopeful hearts. They have heard about him, about his tenderness towards the sick and about his power. These features identified him as the Messiah. Who could help them better than the Son of Man?
Both blind men help each other and, together, address Jesus. The two of them, in unison, make a petition asking Jesus, who they call “Son of David”, for compassion: «Son of David, help us!» (Mt 9:27).
Jesus challenges their faith: «Do you believe that I have the power of doing what you ask for?» (Mt 9:28). If they have approached the Lord it is precisely because they believe in him. In chorus they make a beautiful profession of faith, replying: «Lord, we do believe in you». And Jesus gives sight to those who could already see through faith. To believe is to see with interior eyes.
This time of Advent is appropriate for seeking out Jesus with a strong will, like both blind men, in community, as a Church. With the Church we call on the Spirit: «Please come, Jesus Christ our Lord» (cf. Ap 22:17-20). Jesus comes with the power to open the eyes of our heart, to make us see, to make us believe. Advent is a powerful time for prayer: a time for petition, and especially for the professing of faith. A time to see and to believe.
As for us, may be we are fortunate if we don’t have a need as big as that of the two blind men. But we do have needs and we like to think that we have faith as well. Imagine yourself, then, as being given the opportunity of asking God for anything you wanted. What would you like to ask for? What kind of favor would you like to receive?
For me, if I’m asked by the same question: What would I ask for? My answer is: “Father give me the grace to do not my will but yours.”
How many of us try to do and live God’s will? How many of us are trustful enough? Do we trust God or do we trust what we have and reject God?
Peace be with you!
Fr. Diotacious Chikontwe SMA