Homily for Christmas day Year C (6)

Homily for Christmas day Year C


By: Fr. Chibuike Uwakwe (fadauwakwe@gmail.com)


Homily for Saturday December 25 2021

1. Christmas is a proof of God’s goodwill for humanity: The birth of Jesus Christ as the saviour of the world is not a response to some human appeal but God’s own initiative. From the moment Adam and Eve fell, God initiated a long term plan to save humanity. This plan was fulfilled at the birth of Christ who saved the world through his suffering, death and resurrection. This teaches us that God knows all we are currently passing through and he is already at work in the universe. We only need to be patient enough to see the realization of his goodwill for humanity.

2. Christmas is a proof that God fulfils his Promises: God made a promise to Abraham and to David his descendant. Through the lips of the prophets, he renewed this promise. At the fullness of time, he fulfilled this promise at the birth of Jesus, son of David, son of Abraham. This teaches us that God can never fail. He cannot deceive us. His promise to punish the wicked and liberate the just is forever sure.

3. Christmas is a proof that God needs our collaboration: When God wanted to send his only begotten son into the world to save us, he did not execute this task alone, despite his omnipotence. Instead, he sought the collaboration of mortal men and women. Joseph and Mary played very significant roles before his birth. John the Baptist also played an important role before Jesus began his mission. This teaches us that God needs our collaboration to overcome the evil in our society today. He needs people who will collaborate with him to destroy the structures of sin, insecurity, corruption and violence.

4. Christmas is a proof that God really loves us: At Christmas, we celebrate the birth of God who hid his divinity under the garment of humanity just to prove his love for us. He loved us unconditionally even when we were great sinners in need of mercy. This teaches us to appreciate this great love by reciprocating God’s love and extending it to our neighbours. We are obliged to make divine love go viral. This love can be expressed through works of charity, exchange of gifts, dialogue and reconciliation with one another.

5. Christmas is a proof that God is interested in the lowly: God willed that His only begotten Son be born in the lowly village of Bethlehem and to the lowly family of Joseph the Carpenter and Mary the poor virgin. Jesus was not born in a specialist hospital or in a five-star hotel but in a manger surrounded by animals. He associated himself with the poor and sinners in society. His association with the lowly does not imply his rejection of the rich but his interest in those the world considers to be lowly. This teaches us to consider the least of our brethren as special friends of Jesus who became poor to enrich them in his glory. This also encourages the lowly not to feel abandoned by God but to glory in their riches in Christ.

Merry Christmas.

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