Fr. Ben’s homily for Tuesday of the 16th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle I
By: Fr. Benedict Agbo
Homily for Tuesday July 20 2021
* Ex 14 : 21 – 15 : 1, Matt 12 : 46 – 50.
When the Lord delivered Isreal from bondage, it seemed like a dream, Ps 126 : 1. But that is how it normally is for the children of God ; those who exercise their faith in the Lord in accordance with the Word of God. We are told in today’s 1st reading that Moses stretched out his priestly hand over the sea and the miracle happened – the waters were divided. Aha! That is what happens when we exercise our priestly authority in accordance with the Word of God. Remember God told him what to do as soon as he panicked and came back to God and God reminded him what he was holding in his hands : his staff of office. And Isreal saw the great work of deliverance that God did in saving them from the hands of the Egyptian soldiers and believed in the Lord and in his servant Moses. Then Moses and the sons of Isreal sang this song to the Lord : ‘I will sing unto the Lord with joyful song I will praise his name for the Lord is good’. Yes, it is always God alone that does the saving and should take the glory. He can also do the same for us here right now in Nigeria with all the forces of ‘Pharaoh’ after us.
Jesus says emphatically in today’s gospel that ‘Whoever does the will of my father in heaven is my mother and my brethren’. Christian relationship is higher than filial relationship. It is said that ‘blood is ticker than water’ and so is the relationship through the blood of Jesus ticker than our relationship through the blood of human parents. Mary gets a double privilege and praise from Jesus ; she has both a biological and spiritual relationship with Jesus – the relationship of blood and the relationship of obedience. Friends, anytime we learn to obey Jesus’ Word, he relates with us and comes to save us in all circumstances.
May God send us our own ‘Moseses’ today!