Fr. Ben’s homily for Monday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle I (1)

Fr. Ben’s homily for Monday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle I


By: Ben Agbo (Rev Fr)


Homily for Monday November 15 2021

*1 Macc 1 : 10 – 64, Lk 18 : 35 – 43.
It was a terrible situation for the Isrealites under the reign of Antiochus Epiphanes – idolatry was enthroned and books of the law were burnt and proscribed and if anyone adhered to the law, the decree of the King condemned him to death. But I am interested in the fact that ‘many in Israel stood firm and were resolved in their hearts not to eat unclean food and chose to die than to commit idolatry, and many did die’.

Yes, everybody can never be blind at the same time. We can see that often times certain blindness comes over those in power but unlike the blind man in today’s gospel, they would not even know that they are blind and would never pray to receive back their sight. I know a certain State in Eastern Nigeria where people were convinced that the incumbent governor needed to be removed. Even some priests rallied together to mobilize the people to oppose the evil regime and enthrone another governor who they thought was a good Christian. Later that governor turned into a monster against the course of Christianity and was busy advancing the course of Islam and erecting statues of cult men in his state. Blindness is a terrible malady and it is more terrible when it is found among the leaders especially religious leaders because ‘the corruption of the best is the worst evil’.

In today’s gospel, the blind man knew he was blind and since Jesus was passing, he prayed for healing. People rebuked him to be silent but he cried out all the more : ‘Son of David, have mercy on me’. Our prayer point today is: ‘Lord, that we may see again in Nigeria’; that we may see again the true face of Christianity in Nigeria; that we may see again the true face of leadership as service not lordship; that we may see again the need for Justice and equity in appointments and employments; that we may see again the right attitude to work without bribery and corruption and cutting corners; that we may see again the need to advertise job opportunities, conduct interviews objectively and be transparent in taking the most qualified; that we may see the right solution to the problem of Nigerian unity; that we may see again the need to conduct free and fair elections in Nigeria and announce the correct result; that we may see again the need to elect righteous men and women in power not cult men; that our leaders may see the sufferings of the poor and minimize wastages in their life style; that our Youths may see again the need to stop molesting innocent road users in the name of masquerade cult of violence preventing them from going about their normal businesses; that the leaders may see again their responsibility in protecting the rights of freedom of movement for the citizens; that the Police and the Army may see again their rightful duty. We repeat that everybody can never be blind at the same time in Nigeria. May those who can see (especially our priests and pastors) help the blind to see. May the blind be humble enough to pray to the master Jesus for deliverance and healing. May God bless you today!

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