Daily Reflection for Thursday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle I (2)

Daily Reflection for Thursday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle I


By: Sr. J. K. Osiyemi, EHJ


Reflection for Thursday November 25 2021

Luke 21:20-28.

The scary scene of the gospel is not meant to make me have a panic attack, rather, it is an invitation to turn away from sinful living, and to prepare me for a glorious entrance into the eternal City. Do I live righteously? Can I raise my head with confidence when death draws comes knocking?

Lord Jesus, fill me with hope and courage to prepare assiduously to win the crown of glory. Take away my anxiety and fear. I desire to be with you at the eternal banquet. May I be ready and happy to meet with you in your kingdom when the time comes. Amen.